Fearful Honey Gourami

I have had my 20 gallon tank set up for about a month and a half now. I have just introduced two Honey Gouramies to my tank containing ten Neon Tetras. The smaller Gourami swims around the tank actively, all day and eats, but the other fish, the biggee one, just hides out in my plants. He will not eat or swim when I am around. Whenever I walk in to my bedroom, he will bolt in to on of my plants and stay there until I leave. Whatis wrong with him?:confused:

Also, when I added my Neon's, this never happened....

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Medium Fish
Dec 16, 2007
Watertown, NY
I recently added two dwarf gouramis to my 30 gallon tank the bigger of the two did the same thing for a bit til he realized I was the one who fed'em now when ever I walk in he comes right to the glass like the rest of the fish and says hello gimme food! give it some time I've read and been told that gouramis are "edgy" and loud sounds and quick movements around the tank will freak them out......if its true I cant confirm but I have heard it from reputable sources.