Featherfin Bullys?


Small Fish
Feb 27, 2006
I had two Synodontis Eupterus which were doing really well. One was outgrowing the other in a big way and i was just wondering if these fish were known bullys? I was under the assumption that they were very peaceful fish but the bigger of the two was chasing other fish around and i susupect maybe even nipping fins. Could have been responsible for some of the missing eyes in the mollys but i cant be sure. I have since re-homed him back at the shop where i got him from and have kept the smaller one hoping that he remains nice. I also have a friend who has had a similar thing happen with her fish. Can anyone shed some light on this or have my friend and i just come across a couple of rogues within the species. Thanks :D


Small Fish
Feb 27, 2006
He's in the four foot at the moment and there are about 20 different caves and hiding places. He's only about 4 cm at the moment so i guess he can stay untill he's a little bigger. I could find him a new home at one of the shops or with someone else. At the moment he's just swimming around not bothering anyone so i guess he can stay for the time being unless u think i should re-home him now lotus then i'll find him one on the weekend. I'm happy to do what ever is thought best :)