Feeding a 12" Common Pleco


Large Fish
Feb 7, 2004
Alexandria, Virginia
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I have a 12" common pleco on my 75 gallon tank that I've had since it was probably just a inch, inch-and-a-half long. Anyhow, I've noticed that the bigger he's gotten the more difficult it is to feed him. For instance, at night I usually put in three cuke slices and any where from two to five wafers. Now there are other bottom dwellers in the tank including two bristlenoses, one clown loach and two cories that share that food with him, but often times anymore when I go to feed the platies their flake food, the common pleco comes to the top and begins feeding on the flake food. My question is, am I underfeeding the pleco and/or the other bottom-dwellers in the tank?