Feeding African Dwarf Frogs

Oct 22, 2002
In a world of my own...
I just got one of these guys yesterday at my lfs. The guys at the lfs said that he would eat frog pellets so I got some. I dropped a few in the tank and he either didn't see them or he wasn't interested. After seeing this, I searched around online for info on feeding these guys. A couple sites said that they need to be fed live food, while most of the sites said that frozen or freeze dried bloodworms would suffice. Does anyone out there have experience with these guys?

Oct 22, 2002
Irvine, CA
I have two, and they eat the flake that falls down to the bottom of the tank in addition to the frog pellets. I've had them for about a month now, and they havent starved to death, so i believe they eat most when i'm not looking, but i have seen them eat both the frog pellets and the flake...but that's just my frogs.

Oh, when one of my neon tetras died two days ago, it ate the body before i could scoop it out...so watch out for your smaller sleeping fish, I suppose...it was weird! I went for the net, came back, and saw a tail sticking out of his mouth!

Oct 22, 2002
I had one but i had to get rid of it because it was trying to eat my other fish so i took it back. It will eat shrimp pellets that are lying on the bottom and it will eat feeder guppies and when it gets older( like in 2 months) they will eat goldfish!!!!

I feed my fish live and frozen tubifex worms and frozen blood worms and brine shrimp. My frog always comes out and eats whichever of these I'm feeding at the time. At first he didn't eat a lot and was pretty skinny, but now he knows the tank well and is starting to grow. Since I've got a pictus cat in with him, I don't have any fish small enough for him to eat. Yet...

Oct 22, 2002
I've had a couple in my tank for about a year and I usually just feed them frozen shrimp, krill, blood worms, or whatever I am feeding my fish. I have the pellets but never saw the ADFs eat one.

Also, many LFS sell African Clawed Frogs as ADFs which get much bigger and will eat fish, so make sure you know which one you were sold. I have never seen a "true" ADF go after a fish, alive or dead.

Nov 5, 2002
Auburn, CA
I just got the call fromthe wife and kids. . . . . they were at WalMart and bought an African Frog. I have heard some bad stuff about WalMart fist so Iam hoping this does not turn out too bad.

The posts to this thread have been informative but did not touch on one thing mentioned on description at WalMart . . . . will they climb out? The WalMart description said that they will climb out of a loosly covered tank. I have the basic hood withthe cut outs in the back for the filters and heater. Do you think they will climb out? My crab got out twice before he died.

I guess we will see.


Oct 22, 2002
In a world of my own...
Basically, from what I've heard either frog will eat anything that fits in its mouth (except frog pellets it seems). The dwarf frog stays pretty small, while the clawed frog gets big (about 6in). Many fish stores will sell clawed frogs as dwarves. A young clawed frog looks alot like a dwarf frog. The way to tell is to look at the feet. If they're webbed, it's a dwarf. If they have more of a clawed appearance it's a clawed. I've never heard of them escaping. Mine doesn't seem to be making any effort to do so. If you're really worried, I'm sure dropping your water level an inch or 2 would help if this is in fact a problem.

Mine is content to rest in the plants at the surface and has dissapeared from sight for days on end, but always shows up again. Usaully during feeding time. I feed my fish enough live and frozen food that I'm not too woried that he will starve. Every time he does come out his belly looks pretty full so I think he does ok without any special food.

Nov 5, 2002
Auburn, CA
Hey thanks for the quick description. This one has webbed feet:)

Yeah he seems to hide out alot. The wife has officially named him "Oggie" Oh my . . . will I ever be able to stand the cuteness of a froggie named Oggie?:rolleyes:

I have not seen him eat yet but I will be feeding some live tubifex worms or brine shrim tonight. We'll see.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hey that's a good name for a frog, Oggie. I have never had one of these guys but they seem to be very innactive. I would assume that the one Aquarium Boiler just bought doesn't eat anything yet because he still needs to get used to his new surroundings. Personally I find that most fish etc act like this when they are introduced to their new habitat. Makes sense to me.