Feeding Fish while on Holiday?


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
So..my office has a big 70 gal tank with assorted fish in it. I've sort of been the semi official feeder but the xmas season is coming up. My office will be closed for a full week and I'm wondering how to prevent them from starving.

any suggestions?

I considered an automatic feeder but the tank is custom made and prob wont accommodate those feeders easily..

The best solution I've come up with is to feed them a little bit extra before I leave to "fatten" them up and hope they will survive the 7 days...


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
you mean those food blocks that you drop to the bottom of the tank?

I've thought about that but I'm concerned that it will be gobbled up in one day by the bottom feeders.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
For a break that long, they might be alright for the 7 days...but it would be a lot better if someone could get in there once at the 3 day mark and feed them. I've heard good and bad things about the feeding blocks, personally, I've never had a problem with them. Get a couple large ones and drop those in, they should be fine. Make sure to do a large water change when you get back.


Large Fish
Nov 8, 2006
Newport News, VA
yeah i would suggest a WC and vac before and after. the only side effect i had was an ammonia spike, but thats to be expected when you have food in there for 7 days straight right? i have loaches and there was still a little bit of the block when i got home. i also think they are less expensive than an auto feeder.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Yeah, I guess it depends on what all you have in there. If this tank is going to be here for the long haul, it may be worth it to invest in a $20 auto feeder. Then you wouldn't even have to worry about feeding them everyday!


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
Blocks are bad, I would either get an auto feeder, or just don't feed them. Every time I have used those feeder blocks 90% of the block was there when I got back from vaca and the water was horrible. I have tried a couple different varieties and they never seem to work.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
The tank is custom made how? They have feeders that can either stand (like on the hood) or can clamp onto something (like part of a filter/lighting)... check some out, you might be able to find one that will work.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
I would simply feed them regularly until vacation, do a water change a day or two before leaving for the week and leave them be. Those feeder blocks are a serious gamble I would never take with my fish. The fish should do fine without food for a week. If you're at all worried, throw some java moss and anacharis in, dependent on what types of fish are in there.

Have you double checked that the electricity, heat and such won't be turned off? That would be more my concern.


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
Do you really think the fish will survive 1 week without food? If so, then I'm just not gonna feed them. Maybe I'll fatten them up a little before I leave though..

capslock- the tank is this curved glass aquarium with a plexi lid on top. Its like a tall rectangle tank with a semi circle curve at one end. I'm not even sure how they made it. You have to lift the entire lid up to feed the fish. When the lid is up, the fish can jump out which is why I dont think an auto feeder will work. But if they have something that would clamp to the filter, maybe it might work..

seleya- yeah the electricity and heat should still be on. Its a big office building and they dont shut the whole building down...they just lock it.
thanks guys!

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Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
I've gone out of town for as long as 10 days and my fish were all fine when I got back. Just do a thorough cleaning right before you leave. They won't be eating so there won't be an ammonia buildup or anything like that. If you have plants and snails they might snack on those a bit.

I would make sure you have multiple filters and heaters if possible in case of failures while you're gone. Add a timer for your tank lights and you should be fine. :)

edited for atrocious spelling!

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Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
Feeding blocks SUCK. When I was new to fishkeeping a few years ago, I tried them twice. Both times I came back to dead fish. Since learning more about things like "ammonia" and "cycles" I've never used them. I have left my fish for as long as 4 days with no problems, but typically longer than that I have someone feed them. I think they will be fine, however, if you have any fish in there capable of eating smaller ones, that could be a concern, they aren't going to die from starvation though.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Unless you have fish that require several feedings a day like discus and fry 1 week is no problem without food. Think about it. Do you think fish get to eat every day in the wild? I've had guppies live for 2 weeks lost in shipping, no food and starved for 3 days prior to shipping.

Feeder blocks are crap and can mess with PH/GH/KH. The solid white part is mostly made of baking soda.


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
thanks guys. i think im just gonna let them go on a "diet" while the office is closed. There are no fry or young fish in the tank. No live plants in the tank to worry about either.

I did some more research and found this feeder product which uses gel instead of the white plaster/baking soda and isnt supposed to affect your water that much. But I'm not gonna bother with it.

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
MissFishy said:
For a break that long, they might be alright for the 7 days...but it would be a lot better if someone could get in there once at the 3 day mark and feed them. I've heard good and bad things about the feeding blocks, personally, I've never had a problem with them. Get a couple large ones and drop those in, they should be fine. Make sure to do a large water change when you get back.
they will be fine. most fish will be fine for up to two weeks. they will eat anything they find. my mum put those 7 day food blocks in her tank and they were almost gone wen we got back so they do last but i dont think that they feed much. her plecos tore up all of her plants and the other fish were eating them too.