There are so many warnings about "overfeeding", but the amounts to feed are very vague - like only feed the amount they will eat in "x minutes" and x seems to vary any where from 1 to 5 and so does the number of times a day. Is the overfeeding bad because the fish eat too much or because it fouls the aquarium if they don't eat it all? How much does a Molly or Platy eat at a time and how often? I have three Mollies, two different kinds of flaked food and dried bloodworms. I put a pinch in, which is about 1/8 teaspoon, and it is gone in about 1 minutes before any of it gets to the bottom of the tank. They get excited every time I go by the aquarium, so I wind up doing it 3 or 4 times a day. I have also fed them some mosquito larva and they go crazy for that. Its like they are always hungry.