Feeding Information

Just curious about how much food I need to feed my fish again i have a 70 gallon my fish are 1, 3 spot gourami,1, blue opaline gourami, 1 golden gourami, 2 very new hatchet fish i got yesterday, 2 serpae tetras, 1 pleco (common) 2 chinese algae eaters, 3 red claw crabs, 2 mystery snails yellow, 1 male swordtail
I generally feed them 2-3 times a day and I give them healthy pinch. Also I give them frozen brin shrimp cubes 1-3 times a day. Also how often is ok for gravel vacuuming? Is too many water changes possible? Is using a shop light from hope depot with two 36 watt four foot flourescents ok? Will these lights grow my new plants?

Sorry to bug you all but Im new and These are some questions I went to bed last night thinking about.



not sure on te food part exactly... but you should feed your fish as much as they will consume in 3-5 minutes. do you have a land area for your crabs? i thought they needed land, and arent those types brackish... no clue never mind. also arent your tetras lonely? they like schools. it sounds like you are WAY over feeding btw. they only need to be fed once a day, with a good staple food, and occasionally treats. with feeding that much, you should probably be doing every other day gravel vacs. LOL. on a regular feeding cycled tank once a week sounds good. i dont think too many water changes is possible... but more than 2 day might stress your fish. you only have about 68 wpgs in your tank. thats less than 1 wpg. for most planted tanks without co2 2-2.5 would be optimal. also it depends on your kelvin rating. 6500 is noon daylight i believe, but plants arent my specialty, im sure someone else will jump on the boat soon.

Well, on the feeding a good pinch 2 times daily is good, how many cubes of BS are you doing every time you do it daily? Anyhow, your brine shrimp cubes should replace your pinches of food, feeding twice a day is a good size protion from the sounds of it your feeding your fish 4-6 times a day is that righht? Two is good enough, also how many cubes?