Feeding Problem


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I dont think that there is anything that can be done about it but I figured that I would ask anywayz. In my 29 gallon I have 6 Danios and they hang out at the top all of the time. When I feed they are already at the top and so they get there bellies full before the other fish even realize the food is there (well almost that fast). Well now my Danios are getting really really fat. So fat they look like a pregnant guppy. But the other fish are just fine. Is there anything that can be done to thin out my Danios?


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
It is possible that they are, but do they care the eggs for a while then lay them? I dont know much about breeding Danios (maybe I should do research). How do I not feed the Danios so much and still feed everyone else?


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I didnt want to post that last thread, I wasnt done. It has been a really long day. Is target feeding the only way to not feed the Danios too much? Is sinking food hard to find? I havent come across it yet, however, I havent been looking for it either. lol.


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
Visit site
How often do you feed? Most fish will get there fill and leave the area once they are done. If you feed them adequately but not overly, and only then feed the rest that may work. Also sinking pellets are common enough. You may need to drop both floating and sinking for your different fishes.


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
Danios are in a group of fish called "egg-scatterers". That means that the danios just fling their eggs around with no concern to where they land. Danios provide absolutly no parentel care for their eggs, in fact, it's very likely they'll eat them! If you want to breed them you'll need another tank (ten gallons work great!) with a bunch of plants either real or plastic and fine gravel. To condition the parents you feed them a ton of live food for a couple weeks . (I know their fat but this is how you do it.) Then you move the fish to the breeding tank and after the uncerimonius dumping of the eggs you should remove the parents to prevent egg-eating. Depending on the water the fry will hatch within a few days to a few weeks. After the fry hatch they need infintesimel food to start with such as green water, water set in the sun with some grass or leaves in it. There are a bunch of great books out ther that adress breeding so make sure to read. If you take good care of the fry they should grow nicely. There, that enough info? Lol!

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Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Thanks for the info on the breeding Sandtiger. I feed my fish once a day and I skip one day every week. I also alternate what I feed; one day I feed just tetramin tropical flakes flakes, the next I feed Blood Worms and then the next its Brine Shrimp.
I think that now my other fish are more comfortable in the tank and they are now starting to come to the surface to feed instead of wating for the food to fall. I think that was the problem in the begining. All of the fish were new except the Danios. Does this makes sense or am I just blabbing again? :) lol.