feeding question...


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2008
Hey guys, I have a 50 gallon tank. 6 zebra danios, 13 neon tetras, 1 blue gouromi, 3 bala sharks and 1 pleco. (sharks and pleco will be moved to a larger tank once they start to get bigger) I did my newbie research and waited (painfully) through the cycling process and slowly added my fish over the last few weeks. Everything has been good so far and haven't lost any fish or gotten any diseases (knock on wood). Looking for suggestions on feeding. I have flakes, shrimp pellets and algea wafers so far. The danios eat most of the flakes before everyone else, although the blue g gets his share. The largest shark will run the other sharks away from any food that's on the bottom. Just want to make sure everyone is well fed. What do you guys think?

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unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
as long as you feed enough so that the pleco and sharks are getting some then Id say you are doing it perfectly. Just give some variety to your tank, like you are doing now and they should all be happy.


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2008
Thanks! Do you think that there is any other food specifically for the fish I have that I should also purchase?

Also, do you think a Red Tailed Black Shark would get along in my tank? I was going to post a new thread, but if I get one and it eats everything in my tank I guess it would pertain to feeding :) I have gotten a lot of conflicting information - Have read that they are terrors that should only be kept in an aggressive tank and also have heard people say that they are OK in a peaceful community. I have been wanting to get one, but my daughter would cry if the Neon Tetras become shark food.

Thanks again for the advice!

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Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
I'm no expert by any stretch but at my house, ALL of the fish like blood worms. That includes the goldfish and Betta too.

And some of the frozen stuff is of pretty high quality, I think. It has mosquito larvae in too.

I also try to feed different stuff but some will eat this and others won't eat that. It's kind of hit-or-miss.