Feeding vampire pleco

I'm just about to ask this on planetcatfish.com, but I thought I'd give it a shot here too:

When I bought my Vampire at the shop, I was told that he would need a lot of algae...I took this semi-seriously as I already knew that he was omnivorous. I never saw him eat in my tank: I left sweet potato, zuchinni, algae wafers and the only thing out of those that might have been touched is the algae wafers (its hard to tell because they go soft and its easy for my other fish to pick at them). He does occasionally gnaw on his wood, and devour a few snails when he feels like it, but by far his favorite food is prawn.

What other meat can I try him with? I have bought some squid rings and cooked mussel (nothing added to them), would these be ok for him? Do you think hed like a tiny bit of cooked, or raw, fish?


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
Have you tried frozen brine shrimp or frozen bloodworms?
I also feed my Zebra Pleco brine shrimp pellets, but I bought them from the guy I got them from, so I don't know how hard they'd be to find.

How long did you leave the zucchini and other veggies in for?

PlecoCollector said:
Have you tried frozen brine shrimp or frozen bloodworms?
I also feed my Zebra Pleco brine shrimp pellets, but I bought them from the guy I got them from, so I don't know how hard they'd be to find.

How long did you leave the zucchini and other veggies in for?
Peeled them, boiled them (for a bit) and put them in just before lights out. Took them out in the morning or some time during the day.

I've seen frozen cubes of brineshrimp and bloodworm, but I got the impression that they'd fall apart when brought to tank temperature. If I could find a lump that would stay together and sink it would be perfect.

Would other things like cricket be ok? Or are these bad for fish?