feending tetra neons ?


Small Fish
Feb 3, 2006
Hello ... real hardcore newbie here ... got 4 tetras ... and the food i got by recommandation consists in somewhat big flakes ...

no way this food will fit in their mouth haha

is this normal food they will be eating when it deteriorates in the water ... or what ?

Are these fish eager to eat ... or are they slow eaters ?


I've got tetras myself :)

The flakes are very very brittle and they will break apart when the fish nibble at them. They will normally be very quick eaters.

Personally I don't use the flake food because often times all it does is cloud up the water and you'll have to change it twice as often. This happens because of the dye in the flakes.

I personally prefer bloodworms, either of the frozen or freeze-dried variety. They're both very nice, and the tetras love them.

Also. . . if you don't want to spend the money on bloodworms I've found that tetras really like the betta pellet food LOL. Teeny tiny little roundish balls of food. They won't cloud up the water, and they enhance the color of some fish.

Hope this will give you some helpful insight :)


Small Fish
Feb 3, 2006
thanks for the info !!! ... I'm so lost in this world ... because I have no experience ... it's beyond reason hahaha ... eventhough read quite a bit before purchasing them ...

thanks again ! :)


Small Fish
Mar 6, 2006
I have tetra's, they love the betta food but I would NOT use the food for tetra's, my betta only eats that food and I had him in the tank with the tetra's, and feed them at the same time with two kinds of food the tetra flakes and betta bites, It turns out the tetras ate the betta food before he got it and one of the tetras got it caught back in his mouth and he died.

But I'm not a 100% sure this is what caused the guess but it is the only reason he should have died.

Hope you find food that works!


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I have to correct FishiesGallore in one area. The flakes are not clouding your water. The reasons that water clouds is either its cycleing or you need to do a water change. Dont blame the fish food cause it doesnt have any effect on the clearness of you water. Also it is good to give your fish the flakes cause they are foods that are geard toward your fish. I agree that bloodworms and other foods are great, as I feed them myself, but flakes are nutitous and your fish should get them IMO. I also dont agree with giving your fish betta food as that is geard for a Betta not Tetras.


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2005
San Francisco, CA
flakes are the staple food for pretty much any tropical fish. I've never had problems with it clouding my water. out of the 6 days a week I feed my fish, 4 days are w/ flake food. the other 2 are with freeze-dried bloodworms and krill. as for neons being able to eat them, the flakes do break apart easy once they get wet.


Small Fish
Feb 3, 2006
Awesome great info
Thanks for your time

I soon found out that one of the 4 tetras I got was a bit shy ... He likes to hang behind the few plants I setup in the tank while the 3 others are dead centered in the tank ... Hanging together and acting cool about their fancy color hehehe

They are kinda small though ...Barely able to see them from a short distance

Anyways thanks again :)