Female Betta Aggression?


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Hi All, Time for my latest installment of stupid questions. I have a 1 Gallon fish "bowl" I received this bowl from my sister over a year ago. It has always had the same 2 female bettas in it. (I'd love to tell you which breeds but I truely have know idea). Anyway starting yesterday my "white" betta has been attacking my "blue" betta almost non-stop, she gets all "fluffed" up looking, and BOOM - bite, bite, bite. Whats the deal?

I had to do something so I took out the blue betta and put her in a qt. jar (Temporarily) Do I need a new bowl for her? and just keep them seperated, Or is this some phase that will pass?

I've read the males will often times fight to the death, but most everything I've read says females are generally more passive. Someone please give some advice on the matter.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Females are generally more passive than males, but they are still aggressive fish. I would keep them seperate, another bowl (preferably a bigger one) would work, or you could easily put her in your 10gal, the danios are fast enough to not get picked on.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Well I transfered her over to the 10g, she seems happier now that she's not being picked at constantly, we'll see how it all goes. Still it seems wierd to me that after over a year in the same bowl, that they would get aggressive toward each other.
VirgoWolf said:
Females are generally more passive than males, but they are still aggressive fish. I would keep them seperate, another bowl (preferably a bigger one) would work, or you could easily put her in your 10gal, the danios are fast enough to not get picked on.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Yeah, bettas can be weird. I had an oto in with my male betta for 6 months or so and they were always fine, the betta never gave the oto a second look. Then one day I saw my oto laying on his back on the bottom (he was fine the day before) so I checked him out, he was bearly alive with no fins and about 60% of his body was scaleless and battered. It was horribly sad, expecially since I had this oto for going on 2 years and he had survived through hell and back with me and I was going to move him out of that tank to be in with other otos the day after I found him this way. I moved him immediately and he was a little tumbleweed in his quarentine tank for about 24 hours and then he passed. It was a sad day. Bettas just snap sometimes I think.