female betta doesnt eat hikari


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If you've only just gotten her, it may take time for her to start eating new foods. Keep feeding the Hikari, and she'll probably start eating it in a few days. Be very careful about overfeeding a betta. One or two pellets or one or two bloodworms, once or twice a day, is enough.

Feb 11, 2009
Fish in general tend to be shy at first especially when getting used to their new surroundings or when stressed (like after being moved). I keep a beta in a two gallon and I have to make sure he sees me before dropping any food in or else he won't eat it. Dragging my finger alongside the tank usually gets him to wherever I want him to go. I would say be patient and she will get to it but monitor any uneaten food as it can pollute your tank. If it helps you can soak the pellets for about a minute before dropping it in. I know my beta (sebastian) sometimes spits them right back out and then comes back to it. I've come to the conclusion that it needs to be softer for him to properly digest it.

Feb 8, 2009
Good new she is doing great now. she eats two pellets in the morning. i dont if she is dancing or what is that she move her higher fin from right to left. i think thats cute. lol
i hope doesnt mean she is sick or something...