I received a female betta as a gift in a palm aquarium. It is heart shaped and holds about 1/3 gal of water. I cannot tell if she is happy. She has eaten but is not very active. (1) Are female bettas less active than males? (2) Both my male bettas went crazy when they saw her (one flared the other just danced) and she swam a little but didn't act crazy. (all were in separate containers.) She mostly ignored them, is that normal? and finally (3) the salesperson said you could fit two or three female bettas in the aquarium but I think it's too small. Am I thinking correctly? I'll try to describe the "tank". It really is square shaped but has two hearts on the outside so it looks like a heart. It's really pretty as it does not look like glass but looks like crystal. There is a big handful of tiny pink rocks at the bottom and one clear plastic shell ornament. Please advise. Thanks in advance for anyone's response.