Female Chromide rejected by Male when lights go out?


Small Fish
Feb 18, 2003
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I've had a pair of Red Chromides for a year now. They hit it off in an instant and have been knocking out clutches of eggs on a regular basis for the past 8 months.

They've made home in one corner of the tank that I set up for them using bog wood and plants and have happily resided there since I got them. They've been thick as theives from day one but of late things seem to change when the lights go off.

Once the aquarium lights go off the male seems to be upset with the female and won't let her stay in that corner of the aquarium. If she tries to enter their home the male chases her away and won't let her back in!

What makes it even more strange is that a new batch of eggs has only just been laid but she's still kicked out once the lights go out. While the lights are on however they're the consumate loving couple! This has been going on for a couple of weeks now and i'm at a bit of a loss as to what's happening.

There are no other Red Chromides in the tank either.

Anyone got any ideas? :)


Small Fish
Feb 18, 2003
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Originally posted by Igor The Cat
For anyone who doesnt know red's are orange chromides.

Now back to the quesition, Maybe make the tank brackish?

Yeah, some call 'em Red some call 'em Orange. Never been able to figure that one out. :)

Can't see how changing to brackish water is going to stop Mr Chromide beating up Mrs Chromide when the lights go out. Like I say, they're very much in love with the lights on in the aquarium!

Removing one of the pair from the tank sounds like something to try but I don't want to stress the fish too much. Will probably give this a try if no one has any other suggestions.

Anyone else got any ideas?