Female guppies dying...please help!


New Fish
Jun 11, 2010
Hello, we have a 40 gallon tank of guppies...recently, our females have been developing a "lump" right at the anus. It almost appears to be a prolapse? The females have been dying approximately a week after the sac starts developing. This is happening to young and older fish alike, bred or not bred, new fish and fish we have had for a while. The problem has not affected our males at all.

I'm wondering if anyone has heard of this? Sorry if I haven't given you enough information - I'm new to this! Please let me know if there's any more I can give you to help figure this out - I'm tired of losing gorgeous fish to this!

Thank you!


Medium Fish
Jun 11, 2010
Sounds like a paracite...Try isolating the fish with the lump as soon as you detect it so it won't spread. Also, try adding a low concentration of sea salt (without iodine) into the water. I use it as a prevention tip.

Sorry about the guppies :( i know what its like loosing favorites..


New Fish
Jun 11, 2010
Haven't changed anything as far as food goes...added fish when one female (a home-grown) already had the lump, because I thought it was a genetic disfigurement. :( Since then I've lost 8...all females.

I will try the sea salt concentration - anything's better than continuing to lose them!

Thank you for your help!