female likes my filteR?

Nov 13, 2004
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i have one crowntail female betta in my 10 gallon tank with 2 cories and she is very lively swimming up and down and pacing throughout the tank.

but last night she started to sit on my filter intake which isnt as strong.

she will just coast by it then lay there. lol...i thought she was dead but usually i tap the glass so she can come up for food, and there she goes, she looks at me and comes up!

she only does it probably when she isnt pacing, but she is one happy female. no signs of stress or anything...

but why is she doing that? its soo cute how she will go up to the intake and then slap onto the intake...lol and she is still looking around while being on it...

Oct 16, 2004
Alexandria, VA
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If this is a new behaviour, I'd keep an eye on her, but I wouldn't worry too much. I've seen my female bettas do that a lot, without any subsequent cause for concern.

I think they like the feel of the running water. My bettas also love carousing in the bubble wall, so I think drapping themselves against the filter is a related sensation. Also, my bettas seem to like to drap themselves over almost anything - plant leaves, curved decorations, etc.

I agree that it's pretty cute, and from my own observations I think it is pretty normal.