female or male

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005

i have recently gone to petsmart and was looking at the female bettas. i saw the most beautiful on there and it was an instant impulse buy.

i have a problem i wanted to introduce her to my betta reagan so i put her in a bag with an open top. when i put her in she went crazy and started flaring at him. she wanted to literaly kill regan. i put her in my 2.5 gallon and she started building a bubble nest. is she a male or a female

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
i think shes a female, does she have like not as mutch finnage as the other one ? females are usually smaller than males, i read an article about them and it said try not to breed a very young male or female with a much older mate. Someone will get hurt. maybe this is why it went mad ?
Does the new one look anyhting like the first image?, the first one is a female and the second is a male.


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ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
a little but the thing that startled me was the flaring and the bubble blowing. is there a chance iyt could be a wild form of a betta?


Large Fish
Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
Both males and female can and will build nest. Although most of the time it only males that build nest.

Also a female will flare at a male. This normaly means she is not ready to mate. Once she is ready she will stop flaring and you should be able to see some vertical stripes appear on her mid section. Some times on darker colored fish these stripes are harder to see.

Last but not least NOT all MALES have long fins a breed known as "Plakat" have short fins on both male and female.

I would not keep two bettas together all the time anyways if you have a male and a female you will have tons of fry on your hands, not to mention the male becomes aggresive towards the female after she has released her eggs so you would have to remove her all the time since the mate all the time.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
If you are seriously wanting to breed the bettas, you need to read up on it, and make sure you've got the tank set up right and you introduce them correctly. Otherwise, they need to be kept seperately. Females can be aggressive too, and if yours is then you would probably end up with a dead male if you kept them together. Females definitely do flare, at each other and at males.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
update :

i was keeping him/her in a 2.5 rectangular tank without a lid. i was walking into my room with my rotty and he/she was on the floor. my dog ran over and ate her/him. this was a very pretty bettas with red at the ends of her/him fins and a blue body

Jun 26, 2005

:cool: :cool:
BlackMollyMad said:
If it made a bubble nest, then its a male.
Yes only a male makes bubbles.I use to raise the betta's. I had 10 gallon tank and fill it half way.I put the male in it and put the famale in a jar . He circles her firts like.all the while he builds bubbles nest under foam a piece off a meat package.Its fun to watch. When you do let her out the jar. He would wrap his self alround her ,Little whiteeggs comes out of her. He goes down pick them up and go back to the nest put them the bubbles.The baby betta are black spots swimming alround.Oh I forgot got to take the female out tank after they are finish .As he will kill her. Same thing later with the baby betta's when the are swimming alround. The male betta will eat them.

Jul 13, 2005
OK. Nobody has asked how long the bettas tail was. If it was long and flowy like Reagans' must be, then it was a male. Also, I didn't know Petsmart carried female bettas. Mine doesn't. :confused: And it seems odd that the whole chain wouldn't carry female bettas... Its not like they are discus or even eels. It doesnt seem like that much of a finacial problem. (bettas are way better than discus, *twirlysmi )

And I am very sorry for your loss. My betta died of a bacterial infection several days ago. :(

Keep a divider in the tank with lots of plants around it, letting the bettas hide, so your fishies can get used to eachother. *thumbsups

Dec 8, 2004
Visit site
Yes only a male makes bubbles.
i'd have to disagree. females can build nests just as well as males do. while breeding, the female will sometimes even help out with the nest if the male permits her to do so. i have four females at the moment, and two out of those four almost ALWAYS had a bubble nest in their vase before i put them all together in a ten gallon