few questions

Jun 21, 2004
chi town
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Hey people's, glad to finally join a forum where I can share bout my mishaps n what not in my fish carin adventures. Just a few of questions for you guys. I am pretty new to keeping a marine tank. My current set up is below, n I was wonderin what u guys thought about the idea of puttin 2 exquisite wrasses in my 29 gallon (probably a male and a female). I hope to turn this tank into a mini reef tank with mostly acroporas. The tank now is about a month and a half old. The lalo live rock i just put in there has been curing for a month.. In the tank they've been covered in purple stuff which a guy at my lps said is good stuff.
I added a christmas tree rock bout a week ago. However, I noticed there was this wormlike creature that came with it.... It looks like a nudibranch and has been keepin close to the christmas tree rock. At night I notice it grazing on the rock's corals so I decided to separate them till i can figure out what it is. It has 4 yellow antenna like things in the front, a sucktion like snail mouth, yellow slug body covered on the back with brown hair-like things with yellow tips. Down the middle of its back it is bare, with a hump in the middle. it is flat n oval in shape... kinda like a fried egg. So if ne one can tell me what they think this is, that'd be great. Also, theres these 2 crabs with filter like appendages bunkered into tunnels on the christmas tree rock.. ne idea what species they are? well, thanks for readin my post. I think i got more than i bargained for when i bougth that rock =/



Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I guess you've pretty much identified it. It's a nudibranch that eats your coral, and probably only those corals.
I think you'll struggle with the two wrasses in that small a space - conflict will never be too far away.


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Yes, what you have identified is a nudibranch. If you do not know the species, you may want to remove it...most do not survive in the aquarium.
Like Wayne it will be difficult to handle two wrasses in a 29 gallon aquarium. You may be able to keep a pair in the tank for a few months, but these fish really would be better off in a bigger aquarium.
Also I would not place acroporas in your aquarium. 130watts of Power compact is not even close to what these corals need in light intensity. Either upgrade to Metal Halides, or switch to lowerlight coral.

Sam Reef


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
You probably get by with 1 150watt or175watt MH. I really like the Blue line bulbs. The are close to 20,000K and bring out the greens in coral.

Sam Reef


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I'd go for a single 250 but I'd likely get a 6500 or 10000. How deep is a 29? That kind of drives what light you'll need rather than the gallonage.