few questions


Small Fish
Jan 11, 2008
ok guys i know its been awhile since i posted but heres a update i got my first 3 fish today...royal gramma, purple firefish, and yellow watchman goby.. only one problem the yellow watchman was DOA but i got store credit for him, also its a 55 gal tank...and i was told to stock these 3 fish at the same time and just watch my water close and be ready to do a water change..my other fish (purple fire fish, royal gramma) are in the tank after drip acclimating them...and they both seem to be doing good both are swimming around and being pretty active....right now i just have some flake food..but i was wondering what i should be feeding them and how much and how often?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
u can try some frozen mysis.... less than half a cube would do, to give u an idea i feed a whole cube for 3 tangs, 2 clowns, and 3 gobies

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