Fiddler Crab


Medium Fish
Jan 23, 2007
Plymouth, WI
O.K. Here's the situation. We were at our LFS and my 7 yr. old son saw they had mini crabs in one of the tanks, and of course he wanted a crab. Me, being a big push-over and up for new adventures said sure let's get one. Not really knowing anything about it except what they breifly told me at the store.

We came home put it into our 20 gal. community tank. She was fine for a few days and then we started to notice that she likes to climb on the air hoses. So my husband made a make shift climbing thingy (really tall fake plant) for her to sit on a perch and get some air. She was doing great and molted once so far (man, that's really gross!!).

Now she has figured out how to climb out of the tank!! My husband also made a plex-glass thingy to go over the hole by the filter so she couldn't climb out that way, her perch is on the other side of the tank. I have found her in the filter one too many times.

One time we found her walking across the floor!!! Scared the *** out of my daughter!! Put her back in the tank and she literally floated for awhile (she was out of the tank for over 1 day).

I went back to the LFS store and bought a little kritter keeper just for her.
My question is how do I keep the water warm? The guy said at the LFS that some people have had some luck in keeping them that way. I am not willing to spend a crazy amount of money on her; so what can I do to keep her alive and healthy, but also not spend alot?

She just doesn't seem happy anymore. I really hate the little thing, but I don't want her to suffer. So please help me! I can't get rid of her because of my son.

Sorry it's so long, just typing about her get me shakes.

Apr 3, 2007
Knoxville Area
I've never owned a crab, but here's my ideas.

Go get a cheapy 5g-10g glass aquarium. I've seen some really small heaters out there for smaller type tanks. It may take some doing, but I bet you could find one somewheres.

Set the tank up with part of the gravel or some driftwood being above water lvl. Cover the tank with some plexy glass or something similar and place it near a lamp so you can give her some light.

Of course you could spend a bit more money, get a bit bigger tank, or something with lights in it... ext.


Medium Fish
Jan 23, 2007
Plymouth, WI
I have her in front of a window with shades open to the south sun. I'm hoping that kinda heats it up alittle bit but she seems to do nothing but hide under her treasure chest. I saw her eat today. I also change the water every other day with declor. and salt added into it. Here's a pic of the set-up I've got her in.



Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
I kept some fiddler crabs for a while, but they never lasted very long for me. I can try to give you some advice. You are doing what you should with the large tank, the only difference between our tanks that I might see is that I have a canister filter not one that hangs on the side of the tank. I never found my crabs in the filter, just hanging on the tubs (inside the tank) or sitting on plants.

As far as a little set up goes I would suggest getting a little one gallon or two gallon tank (with a good cover) and then put a little heater in side. I wouldn't worry about a filter being that it would just be a way for the crab to climb out, so you would still have to change the water often. Little setups like that usually don't cost too much and should keep one crab content. If you don't want to change the set up you have now and the window doesn't work you might try putting a lamp above the setup, but make sure the tank doesn't get too warm at anytime (you can put a little sticker themometer one side of your crab's home).

That's pretty much, but there is one other note I'll add, don't worry to much about it hiding, mine did that all the time. All critters need to hide in their safe spot once in a while (some more than others). If anything I suggested isn't good I'm sure someone here will kindly correct me and give you some better advice. Good luck.*twirlysmi


Large Fish
Sep 21, 2006
i had one of them for about a month... all he/she would do was sit on this rock i had with its' hands in the air trying to catch fish that swam by. it was kind of funny watching him. i also caught mine in the filter a couple of times. they are really neat looking creatures but they sure like to climb everywhere. at the time i had him the temp stayed between 66-72*, whatever temp my room was. he lived for about 3 months. i read around that they are pretty hard to keep alive for longer than that.


Medium Fish
Jan 23, 2007
Plymouth, WI
I was talking to my mom about this and she said that they had a 2.5 gal. tank. She gave it to me, so here it is. I didn't have to buy anything, how sweet is that! I used some of the gravel from my 20 gal. tank and took some of the plants we weren't using and put them in there. I know it looks kinda goofy, but for now it works. Mrs. Crabs seems to like it.


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Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Sweet!! *SUNSMILE* I like it. Is it well covered? Just out of curiousity. Sometimes just one hole that is big enough to get through is enough. Glad to here Mrs. Crab is happy.*twirlysmi


Medium Fish
Jan 23, 2007
Plymouth, WI
There is one hole in the cover that is in the front of the tank. No air hoses for her to climb up and out that way. She climbed up onto the heater to get her air, but can't go any higher. As I can see it no possible way of her getting out. Even though I kept dreaming last night that she was walking across the living room floor.

My husband came home from work last night and asked how much this set up cost. I was very happy to tell him NOTHING!!

Mrs. Crabs is out and about in her new tank today. I think she is happy and so am I.*BOUNCINGS


Medium Fish
Jan 23, 2007
Plymouth, WI
Poor Mrs. Crabs, she has been moved so much lately I'm surpised she's still alive. I have moved her back into the main tank. The smell of her tank was just too much for me to take anymore. I gagged everytime I had to change the water. So now I still have to come up with something to keep her in the tank.