Fighters and gouramis?adviceplz


Large Fish
Aug 8, 2003
West Midlands, UK
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I was wondering whether to risk getting a siamese fighter for my community tank-i currently have two dwarf gouramis and a pearl one that dont exactly get along at the moment (they chase each other but have plenty of hiding spaces and no real damge has been done in the 3 weeks since i put the dwarfs in) and i was wondering whether the fighter would cause even more trouble or not.
Any suggestions welcome

Jun 28, 2003
Scottsdale, Arizona
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Umm, here's an idea.

You know those little plastic Betta Hex containers? Well, find one that floats.

Fill it with about a 1/2 inch of gravel, and fill it up with water almost to the top. Float it in your tank near the edge. Ajust the water level in the Betta Hex container so you can float it in your tank, under the lip of your aquarium top. You can keep the Betta in the Betta Hex, and the other fish can swim about as normal. They're still seperated but there won't be an agression issue.

That way, you can keep both. :)

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