fighting fish (not japanise) how can i help?


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
i noted that 3 of my penguin tetras were fighting for about 5 minsor so if was quite rough but no real damage was done they were chasing each other around the tank then geting close to one then attcking how can i help stop these fish from fighting each other?:confused:also i noted that the three that were fighting had a green stripe on them on top of the black one they have is this from stress or the fight? the green stripe fades about 5 mins after the fights.

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Sounds to me like the stripes are display colors and if the fight only lasted a few minutes with no damage and no fish being forced into a far off corner or something I wouldn't worry about it. Would this happen to be during or after feeding time? How often is this? If it is an hourly occurance look to move one or two into that 25 if it is near completion on the cycling. If not, move some decorations around and see if it is a territorial thing.

Good luck


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
the fish usually stay in the corners of the tank anyway, three stay at the left side of the tank and 1 stays in the middle swimming around. this was before feeding. the fights are not hourly so i guess its not that bad. but it did have two dead penguin tetras about three weeks ago i though it was my rainbow shark but it could have been the other penguins. i going to move them all to a 25 gallon tank so i hoping they will do better in there.

Ya I think that would be best. A 25 is much more suited for that size of fish anyway. If it gets any worse, I'd move them immediately. On another note, I'd move the shark into the 25 too. As he gets older and more aggressive he'll need a bigger tank anyway so why wait. He'll be a lot happier in there.

How far in is your cycling? Did you seed the 25 gallon filter w/ filter with media from your 10? If not do it! It will speed the process up alot and get those fish into the tank before they hurt eachother.