figure eight puffer


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
I had a extra 10gallon in my basement so i set up 3 months ago and cycled it. Yesterday i moved it to my bedroom next to my computer.

Its got a AC150 and the temp is 78 with alot fake plants. Iv done my homework and decided to get a pair of figure eight puffers. I know some would say 2 is to much but with a total of 12" at most thats only 2" over the limit for a 10gallon.

The tank wont have any other fish and as with all my other tanks water changes are every week with 30% changes.

My question mainly is if the petstore has them in brackish water and i bring them home to a freshwater tank whats the chances of them to survive?

Also if i added some ghost shrimp would they eat them or could they live peacfully!

Any comments would be nice as im trying to learn all i can about the fish im about to buy tomorrow. So far iv read 2 hours about puffers including searching the forums :)

EDIT: i just read that they get 6" and on another site it said only 3" Please let me know how big they get!

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Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Originally posted by CoNMaN
They would eat the shrimp, just add some salt and keep them in the puff environment.
Im willing to make a brackish enviorment but i no nothing about salts and all that lol i guess ill go read *laughingc

EDIT: brackish water seems kinda hard to keep up with lolz. Would it be able to just add a certain amount of salt and follow a rule for water changes like adding a certain amount more every water change?

I really dont want to full with testing my waters salt amount :/

if i have to test it and stuff like that ill just get dwarf puffers but if there is a rule like for exaple 1 tablespoon per 10gallon and keep adding a certain amount of salt after water changes that would be fine with me.

Please let me know and also would figure8 puffers not live in brackish because i really want them :mad:

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Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Ok i did my homework and found that Tetraodon shoutedeni aka spotted Congo or leopard puffer can live in freshwater!

Finnaly after all day of reading i found the puffer for me :D