Figured I'd say Hi.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
so yeah... HI! ;)

Bit about me.
I'm starting to get more interest in aquariums again and thought this looked like an interesting forum. I've been maintaining tanks for 19 years and at my hight had 13 running. Though 9 in a 400sq ft basement suite was the highest density lol ;).

So far as my tanks go, I'm a techie. I LOVE playing with the toys and learning the chemistry/biology that makes them tick. That said though, I tend to lean more to the "less technology, more biology" for long term maintenance. I also have a lot of fun DIYing most of my equipment.

Anyway, I'm normally don't post a lot on forums but thought I should at least introduce myself.



Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Thanks for the welcome!

Right now I'm trying to figure out what exactly I want to do with a 30 gal hex I got for free from a relative. Kinda leaning towards tieing all my marine together (again) and going with Garden Eels and Seahorses. Really, I can't think of anything else that COULD be happy in there long term... Stupid thing is 30" tall and only 18" across the parallel faces lol! The other one I'm thinking of is switching my 90 back to marine, just gotta work out the lighting. Actually, that's how I found this forum. In a search the thread on overdriving NO lamps came up.

So I do have one question... Where can I find the threads on the Hi-Q filter system? Let's just say for now I have some questions for that company but figured I should look at what's been said first.


PS. Hey Lotus, Hitchhike much? ;)

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Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
SUUURE! How about I build you one? Wait for it... it's in the mail lol ;). Seriously though, if Chicago wasn't a wee bit out of my way (as in western Canada out of my way) it wouldn't be a problem. I seem to have WAAAY too much time on my hands right now. Yeah... I'm not working until March 1st so there isn't much to do but work on tanks now. And no, no I'm not lazy, its medical ;).



Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
yo should get a puppy then! they take up a bunch of time :) training and playing and all that

and i would love to do sea horses one day when i have more time to commit to them. thier just a bit to needy for me atm. if yo do yo should start a thread about it to help out anyone who wants to do them.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Yeah I wish! Unfortunately I don't have a fence with one neighbor so I'm thinking not so much for the dog. One day... I even have the breeder picked out for a Shiba Inu, just need that fence :).

I might be able to manage that, lol, or I could link to a blog so I don't eat up the bandwidth on here. Either way, options. Still going to be a little ways off though. Like I said, not working so there isn't a whole lot of expendable income right now. Plus the tank isn't even set up yet ;).. Details, details... lol.