Hi my Juwel BioFlow Mini 280lph filter in the 54litre seems to have too strong of a current for my betta his tail fin has ripped i dont know if this is the cause? what are some ways i can soften the current since its not adjustable? i was thinking of making putting some rock slates along the sided of the filter to soften the intake flow and getting some tubing and attaching it to the output tube so the water flows onto the surface of the water instead of directly into the water. Would these ideas work maybe? Also i thought it might help oxygenate the water more if the output flow comes slightly out of the water? And another question i put the three platys in with the betta yesterday and he keeps flaring at them not hurting them just flaring will he settle and get over it ? i still have 5 peppered corys to add to the tank i think they shouldnt be a problem.Im hoping he will settle down.