Filter/bubble strip and fish


Large Fish
Jan 2, 2008
I have a 10 gallon tank with an AquaClear 30 hob filter and one of the bubble strips along the back of the tank. I have a female betta now, and she prefers the bubbles off and the filter at medium flow. With no bubbles and the filter at medium, is the water aerated enough for the fish? I know bettas prefer slower water, and that bubbles can remove CO2 which the plants need.

I am willing to forgo the bubble strip if the filter will be enough. If not, perhaps we can downgrade to one small airstone...

What do you experts think?

Thanks -


Hehe! I'm not an expert but both my 20g and my 5g only have filters. With the bi-weekly water changes my fish and plants are healthy. My female betta likes to lay on the ground behind a leaf (out of the current) and my male hides in the castle thingy (also out of the current.) I don't know if this helps much, but I don't think the bubbles are necessary.


Large Fish
Jan 2, 2008
Hmmm. The bubbles were more for us I think. =) it looks really cool turned on. If the consensus is no bubble strip, then we just won't turn it on. Or, if we downgrade to a simple airstone in the corner by the filter, we'll just take the strip out. I think once we get the tank fully stocked, there will be enough going on with all the fish, that we won't even miss it.



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Large Fish
Dec 25, 2007
It's sounds like you have a planted tank, If so there will be enough O2 for the fish...You also want your fish to thrive and they won't look good if they're stressed. So, I would not be turning that airaetor on any time soon if I were you.


Medium Fish
Sep 4, 2007
Syracuse, NY
It should be. Watch the fish during the morning and night, if they are hanging around the top of the tank it would be possible there isn't enough air in the water. Turning the pump on at night would provide airation with out harming the plants are they only do photosynthsis (sp?) during the daytime.