filter change?


Medium Fish
May 18, 2009
Ok so I am on the right track. Aquarium is cycled and fish are great. I was doing my 25% weekly water change this evening and noticed that the filter looked pretty gunky. I don't know the technical terms so bear with me. The filter is 2 parts. The black holey "thing1" is in the front and the second part is this gray "thing2" that feels like it may have some rocks in it. Anyway I took it out and thing2 felt really slimy. Didn't stink or anything. So I decided to wash it. I took a gallon of water and dechlorinated it and swished thing2 around in it getting all the gunk off. Was I supposed to do that or did I just really mess stuff up again? DO I need to change these filters, wash them, etc? I have never thought about this before until I noticed it looked pretty gross today. Thanks for all your help and I assure you I am not as dumb as I sound, I just don't know proper names for stuff yet. Learning though.:)


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
One of them is likely a carbon filter (with the rocks) the other is a "sponge" that takes debris out of the water. You don't really need the carbon one and if you're trying to medicate your tank you should take it out since it will make the meds less effective. The sponge can be "swooshed" around in your old tank water when doing water changes maybe one every month or two. You don't ever really need to buy new "filter cartridges" that they try to sell you in stores, since most of your bacteria lives on your filter, buying a new filter cartridge would just make you start all over again with the cycling process. Unless it is falling apart, just swish it around every month or two to get the gunk out. Do not EVER run it under plain tap water or let it dry out, this will kill off your bacteria.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Actually, in addition to the black holey one, I feel that a finer one is indeed helpful in filtering particles out of the water. I usually run a new one for a couple of weeks, then slit the top, shake out the used carbon, and from that point continue to use it as mechanical filtration. Swishing it in dechlor'd water is the correct way to de-gunk it.