Filter change


New Fish
Sep 16, 2010
The filter I am using isn,t doing the job so I bought a new one. But how will I install it do I leave the old one on until this one is right or can I just start it up? Can anyone help*

Agreed dylan!

I had this happen with my betta tank, the one filter was starting to break so I bought a new one and ran both of them for a month and about three days, then the one finally stopped working and I tossed it. Being left with the new one and all is well.

The only downfall for me was that it was WAY too much current for my betta and too much intake power so I had to put netting over one of the intakes to prevent his fins from getting in there and just make a spot for him to avoid a lot of the current.

Not sure what fish/tank set up you have going on.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I recently switched filters. I couldn't run both filters at once so I simply cut up some of the filter media from the Aqua-Tech and placed it in my new Aqua Clear. I haven't had any problems. I have a lot of lace rock (a rock that becomes alive with bacteria after a while) and plants and I monitor the water, so it was an easy transition. Aqua Clears are great filters. I love the adjustable flow.


New Fish
Sep 16, 2010
I have changed filters I kept the medium from the old filter and so far so good my tank is 3ft long 45inch high/14inch wide. And G'Day from Ausralia