Filter +CO2 Sytem for 20 Gallon Tank


Small Fish
Apr 10, 2003
I have a 20 gallon tank that was originally set up with a Fluval 2 Plus internal filter. I haven't had an easy time with the filter and it has caused me quite a few problems. It very often gets clogged or slows down despite regular cleaning and tending to. The other day it stopped working alltogether. I've fiddled with it and managed to get it partly working again but the flow is less than ideal. I had a spare power filter so I've hooked it up for the meantime. However, my hood is not compatable with the filter so this is only a very temporary situation. I need to get a new filter (internal or canister) appropriate for my tank size. It's all a bit overwhelming and I'm not sure what kind / brand / size to get. I'm really not happy with any of the Hagen brands so I'd like to stay away from them if possible.

I also have plants which are not too happy at the moment. I'd like to get some sort of CO2 system set up while I'm in the process of getting a new filter. Any tips?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Superstar Fish
Aug 30, 2003
Palm Springs, Ca
The Fluval 2 Plus is a great secondary filter for increased tank flow, it is not however capable of being the sole workhorse on a 20g tank, so I'm not surprised it got clogged often.

Get a canister filter that is capable of about 150-200 gallons per hour turnover for your tank. As far as brands go it's really a personal preference, plus price comes into factor as well. Most GPH ratings are a bit overstated, so even a 250-300 gph filter would do, and you can always adjust the output some if the flow is too great.

Before adding CO2...what amount of lighting do you have on this tank and what type of plants are you trying to grow?

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