Filter Faves?

Apr 25, 2011
Austin, TX
I'm looking to get a better filter for my tank, I'm currently running the stock basic HOB which blows to be honest.
What are you guys' opinions?
I'm looking to keep it under $100
So far recommendations have included the Penguin BIO and Eheim Canister to name 2.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I really like my Rena XP2, but its the only canister filter I've ever had so I honestly don't have much to compare it to. I do know that I like it better than HOB filters because I prefer using sand, and both my Tetra Whisper and my Penguin BioWheel had problems with the sand.

Mar 26, 2011
Malden, MA
I've got a Rena, too. Only downside is that it's a bit of a pain to clean, compared to HOB filters. Maybe this has changed, but in my model the little ceramic tubes in the top section aren't in a basket of their own. They sit on top of the lid of another basket. To get into that basket and rinse the gunk out of the sponge in it, you have to pick all the little tubes out and then put them back again so that they are all laying down flat, or the lid won't close properly. It doesn't actually take that long to do, but it just feels so dumb that I probably don't clean the filter as often as I should because it irritates me. Maybe they've changed the design since we got ours. It's about 5 years old. Maybe I should rearrange the layers of stuff in the filter, but I hate to mess with it when it filters well.

Minor gripe. It works well. No real problems all this time. :)

Apr 25, 2011
Austin, TX
Maybe you could put the ceramics into a stocking? :D
it's thin and won't bug your bacteria and then you can just lift it out, similar to what I had going on with my pond's filter

You don't think the Rena would be too strong at 300gph? My HOB seems to push my angels around already... :/

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Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I don't know what you consider"stock". I have been using the Aqueon HOB filters and I certainly like them. They are simple to maintain, inexpensive and don't need priming should the power go off. They do a good job.

Mar 26, 2011
Malden, MA
Kitty, Rena makes lots of different sizes, and mine has an adjustment for the flow level so you don't blow your fish out of the tank. And you're brilliant about the stocking. Why didn't I think of that?

Apr 25, 2011
Austin, TX
@Thyra I have the aqueon HOB that came with my bowfront kit but I have been less than impressed. I was using the word stock in the way that a mechanic would, maybe not the best choice of words?

@Pate Thank you! LOL I just pictured my poor little fish being blown out of the tank
I think I'm going to get rid of the swords because they killed my cardinals and I'd prefer to have space for 2 more praecox. I'm not quite done getting the final stock right and I am going nuts on these snails!

I am looking at the Renas right now :D


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I am curious what you didn't like about it? The one thing I noticed is that once they are out of the box I can't tell what size they are. That was the case with the first one that came with my first tank and, of course, I threw the box away after I installed it and all was working - but then when I went to buy new filter material I realized it was rated for a smaller tank then the one it came with. But I quickly caught MTS and had to buy more filters so I just swapped them around as thinks multiplied.

Apr 25, 2011
Austin, TX
Well it's very basic, just plain carbon HOB and it's rated for 30 gal when the tank is a 36. The tube doesn't seem to go down far enough which is dumb because you would expect them to give you a filter that would at least be the right size. The heater is fine, have no complaints. I don't like it enough to put work into it and would rather just get something better.
And although it's rated for 30 it blows my angels over


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
I normally use Aqua Clear filters for all my tanks. I currently have them on a 10g, 29g, and a 55g. I also have one on a 29g saltwater, mainly for flow at the top, and in case I want to pop in a phosphate remover.

I just installed a Fluval 1Plus in a 14g tank and will see how that works. I picked this one (and a larger one) on clearance several months ago.

For the 180g tank I believe we have two Rena canister filters.

All in all, Aqua Clear is my favorite.