I need a filter for a 55 gallon i think. The tank is 4 feet long, 2.5 high and 1 foot wide. I currently have an eheim 2013 running on it but i want something a little more powerful i think, something to move the water and suck up more junk. I have
2 gold gouramis
1 blue gourami
6 tiger barbs (pretty small)
1 Rosy Barb
5 assorted danios
1 Giant Danio
1 irridescent shark (about ll inches)
1 Convict Cichlid
3 Swordtails ( 2 male one female) i realize it may be better with 2 females unfortunately one other female starved herself it seems
2 or 3 stalks of Giant Hygros and Anacharis i think. I dont use any ferts or co2 as much as id like to i cant figure out anything. I just use like 2-3 cm gravel.
I can pretty much get any eheim i think. Also i was thinking about a fluval or some sort of magnum. I have a 330 but the motors shot. I can,t really decide because they all seem to work so well.
2 gold gouramis
1 blue gourami
6 tiger barbs (pretty small)
1 Rosy Barb
5 assorted danios
1 Giant Danio
1 irridescent shark (about ll inches)
1 Convict Cichlid
3 Swordtails ( 2 male one female) i realize it may be better with 2 females unfortunately one other female starved herself it seems
2 or 3 stalks of Giant Hygros and Anacharis i think. I dont use any ferts or co2 as much as id like to i cant figure out anything. I just use like 2-3 cm gravel.
I can pretty much get any eheim i think. Also i was thinking about a fluval or some sort of magnum. I have a 330 but the motors shot. I can,t really decide because they all seem to work so well.