Filter growing slimy green algae


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Hello everyone. I have 3 tanks, 125g, 72g and a 10g for my son. His has a couple fancy goldfish in it. I do regular water changes on all of them weekly and usually on the same day, however his ten gallon filter seems to constantly grow a slimy green algae. If I let it go it wiil stink up his room pretty bad. Its just a simple filter with a thin carbon media. I have been keeping fish for a year and his tank is the only one that this happens to. Any one know what could be causing this? Thanks for reading!


Superstar Fish
High nutrients will cause this. I bet the nitrate is pretty high. Two Gold fish produce tons of waste and should be a 30-ish gallon tank and get about 50% water changes per week. Another cause could be natural sunlight getting to the filter area now in the winter parts of year as the sun will come through windows differently. Just my opinion, I might be way off base but its something to consider and investigate to find a solution.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Yeah I had a feeling it had something to do with the fish themselves. Its definetly not sunlight. Well when we put them in there we always new that they would get to big and the plan was to eventually put them in our neighbor's pond, so we'll just deal with it until the spring and then get different fish for my son's tank. I would imagine this is not a good time to introduce goldfish to an outdoor pond. Thanks Kc.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
If u have a male and female goldfish. then that pond will be filled in a couple years. i have a friend who put 100 in his pond and now its got thousands. i use a cast net and take 50 or so between 3 to 10 inches out of there about every 2 to 3 weeks for flathead bait. the ponds are still filled with them. also make sure that pond does not run to natural streams or anything. as an avid outdoorsman i would hate to see those goldfish get into a river or lake as an invasive species.

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Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Kc, I'm doing 50% changes, which is my own standard for my tanks on a weekly basis. By the way exhumed my neighbors pond was built, beautifly I might add, in ther back yard so its totaly enclosed. They have koi and goldfish but I think the population is kept in check by the koi. Thyra I am heating the ten gallon actually. I know they are cold water but I tend to use it as a quarantine tank for my 125g or 72g. It stays in the mid 70's, I didn't see a harm in that. Just today I removed a female convict from the 10 and put her in the 72. I wanted her to grow a little before she was introduce to the rest of the south americans. But I digress... Do you think the heater would contribute to the filter issue I am having?