Filter Media

Dec 14, 2011
I keep reading that using carbon filtration isn't very helpful, so I think I'm going to switch to filter media. I was wondering what I should be getting for my Emperor 400 and how much to put into the filter. There are so many different kinds with varying prices that I've become confused.

Also, I'd like to know if you ever get rid of it after you put it in there


Superstar Fish
I do not put anything in mine, I dont even put them in the filter box area. This filter has a bio wheel so there is plenty of area for bacteria. I still use the filters with carbon just because they come that way. I have however found a source for filters at about a 50% discount compared to the store prices. Here is the eBay link. lower40farminc | eBay.

Dec 14, 2011
That makes sense with the bio wheel. When I take my cartridges out, there's a slimy substance on them and the extra carbon containers. Is the slimy substance bacteria colonies, or is that just regular old slime? I haven't been cleaning it off because I was unsure.

By the way, I looked at that eBay store, and I think the emperor filters there run a little higher than at

Dec 14, 2011
I don't mind the shipping at AG, because when I buy from them, it ends up being such a huge order that the shipping is still saving me money. (Like the one today, which is $52 before shipping.)

Do you ever take your filter apart and clean it up, because I'm sure that there's probably some slime inside the bottom of it.


Superstar Fish
I have never used this brand. I would use media before carbon. I have even thought about putting filter media (blue marineland cut to fit stuff) in the Emperor snap together cartridge as added filtration. I figured I would put this before the carbon cartridge in hope to get more life out of the carbon ones or if it worked good enough it might replace the store bought ones.