Filter Needed?


Small Fish
Feb 8, 2012
Hello everybody i am new to this forum, i am glad i joined. I have had a fishtank for over 15 years and i love it.
My question is i have a 55 gallon tank and i want to upgrade my filters and looking into buying Fluval 406 and AquaTop CF-500UV Canister Filter with UV9W Sterilizer do you think the 2 filters would be too much? Should i just go with the fluval 406?Do you guys have any suggestion on a better canister filter?


Superstar Fish
Either of these filters alone would be plenty, two would get a lot of solids out of the water column and the uv will help keep the algae down. Be careful not to remove your old filter for a couple weeks so your bacteria has a chance to grow on your new bio-media. Either of these or both would be a great upgrade to your tank filter system. I have a couple canisters and really only use them for the current they make and for a place to put my bio-media. I do not use them a mechanical filter as I have a HOB filter for that which is more convenient to clean.


Superstar Fish
Yes Sir,
I have three in my 75G. One is an Emperor 400 to remove the solids, then a 1500GPH weir flowing into an Oceanic 150 trickle sump with a 581GPH pump, then a Filstar 3 to filter that water after it runs through the bio-media, then I have two Hagan power head 401's in the display as well.

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