Filter plumbing for easy water changes?

May 11, 2005
Northern, VA.
Since I have a lot of time at work to think about this stuff I came up with an idea to make water changes easier for me using a canister filter setup. Please excuse my image, I only have MS paint to work with here.

To start off I would have some kind of temporary tub set up next to my tank.I could fill it up, condition it, and let it stand to become room temperature.

To drain the tank, I would open valve #2 and then close valve #1 and then pump the water outside. After the the water is done draining, return the output valves to normal operation.

For filling I was thinking I could open valve #4 and slightly close valve #3 untill I get suction from the new water then close valve #3 fully and in theroy would fill the tank back to normal.

For me this would make things much easier. I wouldn't need any extra lines going into the tank and I could do water changes even without removing the canopy. Plus it would disturb the fish of the decor in the tank.

I have no experience with canister filters yet so my whole theroy could very well be a wash. I hope it's not too confusing.

Anyways, is this possible?



Large Fish
Dec 14, 2002
Portland, OR
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You'd have to keep your supply of fresh water higher then the canister. The canister doesn't suck water out of the tank. It uses gravity to syphon the water out. So if you kept the tube in your fresh water full and higher then the can, it would probably work.