filter size


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2003
i have a submerisble fluval filter/pump in my 55 gallon. the fluval was from my old 10g tank so it allready had good bacteria in it. it's only rated to like 27gal. will it be ok on it's own in my 55gal or am i asking for trouble?


Medium Fish
Mar 9, 2003
Arlington, MA
Visit site

While I may say it depends on the number of fish in your tank, I think you know the answer to this already.... (else you wouldn't be asking...)

(I would run it at the same time as any other filter you get until more bacteria build up in it...)

I too have a fluval internal and also a 55 gal tank. I used it for awhile and then ran out to my local fish store and bought a penguin 330. (Read my message under product reviews.) Even though you have good bacteria with the fluval, they dont work like bio-wheels and other bio filteration. It does move a bunch of water under the surface and my chilids love playing in the current.

By the way, do you have the 204? That's what I have... errr the 204 + rather.