Filter Suggestion


Medium Fish
Nov 4, 2002
New Orleans
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Any suggestions as to what kind of filter I should get for my new 100 gal. tank? I am putting in 2 Oscars and have heard tha canisters are the best way, but that n Emperor 400 will do the trick and is cheaper. What about undergravel for Oscars? I have heard mixed things from the local stores here. I need more opinions!

Canister filters are great. I am currently using two fluvals as a bio-filter for my 125 gal. tank. I rinse one them with used tank water every month alternating between the two. I am also using a rainbow-lifeguard module with a little giant mag pump as a mechanical filter. It helps remove a lot of the left over waste from these big omnivorous eaters.


Medium Fish
Nov 4, 2002
New Orleans
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I ordered the Aqua Clear 500 as well as an Emperor 400. They are both working out fine as of now. It has been a little over a week since I put them in. I am still thinking about getting the 2028 just for that extra filtration. Maybe in the next couple of weeks.