Filter thingy majig

Okay, this might seem like an obvious and stupid question, but I'm a complete newbie to fish life, and the manual that came with the filter was terrible[i/]. It's a Penn-Plax Cascade 300 Internal filter.

See the little upwards pointing nozzle on the blue spout? That connects to a small air tube with a muffler. I gather this is so that air can be pumped into the tank, am I right? If I take it off, the water still pumps around, but does that mean that there's no air getting into the water?

K x


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea, ussualy when you connect the air tube alot of bubbles will start to flow out along with the filtered water, thats why I dont use mine. Yea if you take that tube of this means you will be taking tha ir out but this isnt that big of a deal as long as the filter agitates the surface enough to oxiginate the water


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
granted that your temperature is not >82F, you should be just fine bro.

the length of your tank will also have a large effect upon the ability for gases to dissolve at the surface...obviously the more surface area the better.

i probably havent used an air pump in the last 6 years.