Filter time boys....

Feb 10, 2006
Ok, I have a 75 gallon with 2 aquaclear 70's hanging on the back, thing just puuuuumps...currently I have cichlids, had them for almost a year, same 12, they are just thriving to say the least. It's time to make the change though to saltwater...Now I'm going to be starting off as a fish only tank, before plundgeing into corals and stuff, but I DO plan on getting there eventually. I understand lighting and all that, and the purpose of skimmers... Now as far as filtering goes what should I do, leave the twin 70's? and add more? new filteration all together... but like I said I want to eventually to get a full reef system going, so if I am making purchases I want to get stuff that will still work well with a reef system...I was thinking leave the 2 aquaclears, get a skimmer, and get a couple submersable powerheads or fluvals to keep the water moving? Thanks for the help people!!!*PEACE!*

Keep the 70's on there, but take the filter media out; just use them for water movement. Then, get as much live rock as you can afford(1 lb/gal is the general rule); the organizims within the rock will provide all your filtration, provided there is adequate water flow.

So, to awnser your question, get live rock, a couple powerheads and a protein skimmer.