Filter too much for young beta?

Aug 19, 2003
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I have a Whisper filter for a 2-5 gallon tank and it is set on the lowest flow, but I was wondering if this might be too much for my beta (Moses Blah). I'm not sure, but I do believe he is pretty young. I don't want him to have to work too hard and have no rest. Also, his breathing has seemed to increase since put into his new home. Is it too much for him right now? Should I not keep him in a 2 + gallon tank or stay with a bowl for now?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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He should be fine, as long as he does not appear to get stuck in the fillter intake. You can turn the filter off, but make regular weekly water changes if you do. Give him a bit more time to get used to the new setup. He may be exercising a bit more, and a little bit of current will not hurt him. Make sure you have some tall plants for him to rest on, and a little rocklike cave area so he can rest and relax out of the current.

Maybe Alexa (Precious Gems) can help you more on this one (she has younger bettas).

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