

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
The tax man cometh, and I be shoppin'! :D I've got some CSL lights and a UV sterilizer coming (maybe I should get 2! Going out of business is cool)! FYI, Champion Lighting will honor all CSL warranties.

Since I'm setting up the Jag tank (100g) and a nice planted tank (75g), I'm considering a few options for filtration. I'm slightly concerned about the potential bioload of the jag tank without plants.

Option 1: Use the Eheim 2028 on the 75g and purchase another AC 500 for the 100g.

Option 2: Use the Eheim 2028 on the 75g and purchase an Eheim 2229 Wet/Dry for the 100g (does the Jag tank need a wet/dry to justify the $$$?)

Option 3: Leave the 100g as it is and buy a new cannister for the 75g. (I really don't want to spend $250, since another Eheim 2028 would be the only filter I would buy) I think you're getting the point by now... ;)

Option 4: You make a recommendation! *celebrate