

Large Fish
Jul 8, 2004
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hey everyone, I have a 32 gal. Cichlid tank with Malawi Cichlids, and a sand substrate. I have slate rocks, and no plants, because i heard cichlids don't like plants. My old Penguin 330 Filter broke, so currently i've been just running on the airstones.
I Would like to know what a good relatively cheap filter, would fit my tank well? And i don't want it to be too loud, because it's in my room.

Thank you so much!*SUNSMILE*

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
I personally like the aquaclear line. some people complain about the noise. I have three and they are not that loud. The only noise is from the water movement on mine. Plus the foam insert really never needs replacing you just need to clean it every so often and stick it back in. I like to run mine with 2 foam inserts and cermanic media. Stopped using carbon more of a pain then it is worth. only real use(imo) is to take meds outa water. Bio-wheels are nice but i found that they are louder then my aquaclear from the turbulance it causes with the water.

For your 32 gallon i would go with either the aquaclear 30(that would be minimum size for $13.99) or go for the aquaclear 50 and only 2 dollars more @ They are on sale and they offer free shipping until like 12pm or (am i can never remember what it is) tonight on monday.

My only concern is that with the sand it can cause problems with the impeler. but a foam prefilter can prevent this.


Large Fish
Jul 8, 2004
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I was wondering what people think about the, Whisper 40 filter, for my 32 gal? I've read some reviews, and have gotton both some good pro's and some good con's. And if this is not a good filter if someone could recommend another filter, like maybe a Penguin Bio-wheel 170?

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Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I personaly like the penguin line of filters for HOB type filters. I've had some running for 5+ years and never a problem.

I'm not to high on the whisper filters. They seem to do an alright job filtering, but after a few months the one I had started making an awful noise that I couldn't get rid of no mater how well I cleaned it. I'd say I could just get a new impeller and it would be fine.

If you could scrape the money for it, I would say go for a Rena Xp canister filter. I have an XP3 and XP1 that I bought used and couldn't be happier with them. I have the XP1 on a 29 gallon and XP3 on a 75.


Large Fish
Jul 21, 2005
southern oregon coast
Yes the XP3's are great canisters..I have one on my 100 gal...however I also am running a whisper 60 along with it for extra filtration and water movement. I also have a whisper 60 on my 35 gal and another one on my 55 that is also with a canister. I have never had any complaints about the whispers which you can pick up at walmart for about 30 bucks...I like having 3 of the same kind that way just have to buy one kind of filterpads and can interchange them if need be whether its media, filters, parts etc.