

Medium Fish
Nov 27, 2005
Edmonton, Alberta
Ok so i got a kit from walmart with a aqua tech filter and it seems not to have enuf power for my 10 gal. Like it can suck up the fish poo and extra food(if there is any). are there any good filters that has good suction for a 10 gal? Also, if i install an undergravel filter, will it clean out the gravel too???


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2005
Victoria, BC
Ive never had an UGF, but I have been advised against them (donno if there is basis for that) I use aquaclear filters on all my tanks. I love them a 30 is best for a 10g (a little extra umph to get the job done ) :)

The Aqua Tech filters are pure, unmitigated crap. I'd replace it immediately.

Aqua Clear is pretty much the top of the line, although I've heard many good things about Ehiem HOB filters. I havn't seen one yet, but if they are anywhere near their cannister filters, they should be top notch.

The general opinion on this site regarding UGF's is typically to avoid them like the plague, athough I used to use one on my old 15g planted. Not sure if it did any good, but it didn't do any harm either.

Yes, an AC 30 would be perfect for a 10.

Generally, UGF's won't clean gravel, unless you have a reverse flow unit(Forces water up through the gravel), these typically require one or more powerheads.

Third question, no, AC does not have biowheels. They have a basket, which contains three different types of media which can be custom selected, three at a time. Choices of media include sponges, carbon, ammonia removing media, combination ammonia/carbon, phosphate absorbing, ceramic biomedia, peat, etc. When new, they come with one sponge, one carbon and one ammonia packet.

They are very flexible; in one of mine I have 2 sponges, ceramic blocks, filter floss(Also called poly wool), and phosphate absorber(which I stick in the side near the impeller).