Filtration advice - quick response appreciated!


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Hi guys,

many of you know I'm planning a set-up, and I need some advice. I've found a nice 6 gallon hex tank, that I quite want and if I were to get would stock with a single betta and maybe some shrimp. The tank would be planted.

Because of its shape and size, my fluval 1 plus will simply be too powerful for the small tank and the betta would suffer for it. I've considered a box filter (the type with the air pump drawing the water in) but they're not terribly good and would take up a lot of space, let alone look ugly.

Can you guys suggest anything, perhaps a brand of small external filter that hangs over the side, or something else that would work? Unfiltered would surely be extremely risky right, even with the plants?

This is the smallest tank I'll have ever dealt with so those with similar sized set-ups please let me know how you filter yours.

As the title says, quick responses please, I may end up buying today if all looks well!


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Anyone had experience with the Hagen Elite Stingray filters? they seem to not take up too much room, rated for 10 gallons, how is the flow on them? I want something fairly gentle.

Just looked at sponge filters too, how efficient are they? They look like they use the same principle as box filters but take up less space and are easier to hide..

Last edited:
Feb 27, 2009
I only use sponge filters run by small powerheads since I keep only small fish. Some of them like a lot of flow, some a more gentle flow. With the small submersable powerheads, I can adjust the flow as I need to.

I'm sorry, I do not know anything about the other filters.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I have an Aqua-Tech 10-20 on my 5 gallon tank. It's not too much flow for my betta. I had sewn a filter sponge around the end so that her fins aren't damaged. I hate Aqua-Techs on larger tanks because they have really weak flow after short use. However, the 10-20 is holding up and working effectively in my small tank. If you do decide to go with Aqua-Tech, stay away from the 5-15 filter. I went through 2 of those within months; they break so easily.


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
I have an Hagen Elite mini and never had a problem with it. It is fairly poweful for such a small filter but is adjustable.

Plants are natures filters and combining a small Hagen filter with some Water Sprite will make for nice clean water.