Filtration and frogs


Large Fish
Aug 13, 2010
Hello. I have a 15 gallon tank with a Top-Fin 20 filter, meaning that my filter is a little big for my tank. I have three African Dwarf Frogs. They seem to be doing well. My male sings, and they have just finished a 36 HOUR long amplexus session. Yes, there are eggs all over, but none of them are fertilized.

My question is: I have the filter turned down to half-power so as not to overpower the frogs with powerful currents. However, I wish to add fish in the future. Should I turn my filter all the way up for them? Will the frogs get tired out with a full-power 20 gallon filter? What would be a good compromise setting between fish and frogs?

Does your tank have decor or fake/live plants or hiding areas? I have a 250GPH(45gal) filter on my 36 gallon and am upgrading to a 300GPH(75gal) filter and I have two dwarf frogs that have been around for quite some time.

Mine love swimming and hanging off of the spray bar and intake part of the filter, they hide under the driftwood and sometimes let the shrimp ride on their backs. I have fish in there, everyone is doing great and the filter doesn't seem to affect the frogs at all nor does the current. I have a DIY spraybar with a little nozzle so I can increase the pressure for some of my shrimp that feed through it and just the general aeration of the tank.

I don't think it will be an issue at all, I've had frogs in other tanks who were also fine with a decent current.

That's just my experience though, maybe someone else has some other input about them!


Large Fish
Aug 13, 2010
I've got some Java fern (5 bunches), two fake tall plants, a fake tree and two cave things for them to hide in, as well as some fake duckweed floating on the top. I like heavily vegetated aquariums. The stores around here have zero selection for live plants. :( Thanks for the info, I can probably just stop worrying about the currents.