Filtration, Specifically Tom Aquatic Prods mini internal filter for 1 - 5 G tanks


Medium Fish
Jun 6, 2010
i have the tom internal mini filter for 1 - 5 gallon tank. My tank is 2.5 G, and even with the diffuser, it seems a bit strong for my poor betta and i am even wondering if it stresses him out.. anyone else have an opinion on this issue?

i love the filter but wonder if i should change it out? Even on the lowest setting, it seems to create a bit too much of a current, keeping my betta on the constant move.

I am afraid either I will end up with one fully fit, ninja-betta, or a worn out fish that perhaps will not survive.

any opinions or am i just over protective?


Medium Fish
Jun 6, 2010
try a 1 gallen tank air pump
do you have a particular brand, or just any brand? The tetra 1 - 3 was ok, on the circulation, but the pump was too long, awkward, had to run tubing, and the motor kept wanting to vibrate off the shelf, so had to put the cord under the tank to fix this problem... am really looking for a completely internal pump if possible.

let me know pls... thanks

Jun 8, 2010
filter modifications for strong currents

i have the tom internal mini filter for 1 - 5 gallon tank. My tank is 2.5 G, and even with the diffuser, it seems a bit strong for my poor betta
I have a filter which is being donated by one of my friend whose fish died due to some reason and lost the will to have any more aquarium. The filter's brand is unknown but has the most powerful current i've ever seen. what i did is that i put a pvc pipe on the nosal with the other end closed (see the diagram) and the pipe is being cut with saw on equal intervals to make holes for scape of current from filter. It is now very calm and efficient all my fish can relax. I don't know how many galons of aquairum i have but it is something i made my self; the measurements are 2.5ft x 1ft x Hight:1ft.
