

Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
Ok so i've read that if you have a tank over 125 gal. it should cycle 3 to 4 times an hour. So if you have a 150 gal tank you should be flittering close to 600 gph.

If you have a 30 or 40 gal. sump filter do you add this to the caclulation? Which would make you water volume 180 or 190 gal and filtering volume 720 to 760 gph?


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
Total volume of water moving thru the tank, the water in your sump is technically "dirty" water being cleansed.
With a 150G you should be at least 700gph depending on the type of tank you are setting up and how you plan on filtering your water, and how far you're pushing the water from your sump to your tank and how you plan on getting the water from your tank to your sump AND how your sump is designed.
There are MANY sumps, and filtration methods once you dump the water into the sump, then from there depending if your FW or SW how you get the water back up depends on the filtration method, and keeping into account the tolerance of when the sump filtration gets dirty.
It’s a lot of trial and error when you set up your own sump. What kind of filtration method are you using in your sump, is it a FW or SW?


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
This is a future project in my head. It will be FW. I'm thinking about making a sump myself, basic wet dry set up. Foam filter on top of the drip try going over bioballs half or so which are under water. Have a chamber for a carbon bag (not nessarialy always full), Also i'm thinking about have and area for something like java moss to help pull out nitrates (or which ever plants remove) since its easy to grow. And then a pump to get it back to the tank.

I like the idea of a sump because it adds to the total water volume which means ph and stuff like that change slower and the level of water in the tank stays the same. Also if i'm not cleaning the gravel at the time i belive i could do water changes from the sump.

Thanks for the response.


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
I actually did the same thing as you but with a 55G, I'm almost done setting it up, I'm waiting on new stand to match my dining room table. Once I set it up Ill show you some pics.

It sounds easier than it really is. Lots of trial and error to get the correct flow going. With a 150 its kinda hard to try it outside first, but that's what I did with the 55 just in case it did over flow, sump or tank.

Good Luck and let us know how it goes! *celebrate