

Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2009
north jersey
where can I read more about various brands and types of filters?

also, for a 10g that needs more filtration than it's getting, which is better - 2 10-20 hob's or 1 30-60 hob? I'm wondering if the 30-60 would create too much of a current? Other ideas?

(I know someone is going to ask. I have a pleco in the 10g for now, we are moving soon so he has to stay put until then. He's medium sized (3-4") and well fed but very messy. I do water changes every 2nd or 3rd day but the water's not as clear as I'd like.)


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
The AquaTech 30-60 would be better than the two AquaTech 10-20s. It would create more current, but you could always make a baffle out of a styrofoam cup or something similar. My concern is that the intake tube on the AT 30-60 will be too long for your 10gal. I have a Penguin 170 (similar to the AquaTech 20-40) and its intake tube is too long for a 10gal. I'm pretty sure the AT 30-60's intake tube is at least as long as the Penguin's if not longer.


Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2009
north jersey
I wonder if the intake tubes are the same thickness? If I got the 30-60, I wonder if I could just switch the tube with the one on the 10-20 (same brand, so.) Or I could just dremel cut the tube down to size and reattach the end piece somehow, or just use a generic prefilter.

Thanks for the tip, I hadn't even thought of that.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
You could probably shorten it. I only have an AquaTech 5-15 and it doesn't have a segmented intake tube like Bristlenose is talking about.

You can make a decent baffle for the output out of some filter floss or a loose-cell sponge.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I have had the Marineland Penguin filters and love them. I am running a Marineland Hex5 right now (tank with the filtration built into the hood) and it's great. I also have a Penguin 170 without the Bio Wheel (came like that with my 46gal bowfront tank I bought used) and it is good even without the Bio Wheel.

I've heard the AquaClears are nice because you can have a wide variety of filter media and there's room for extra media as well (in case you like to keep extra cycled media on hand if you need to establish another tank or whatnot).


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Yeah, I think the 200gph Penguin would be a bit much. I'm not sure what my Penguin 170 is rated at as far as gph is concerned, but I know it's rated for up to a 35gal tank.

I have a Penn-Plax Cascade 1000 canister filter that I just got up and running (TODAY!) and so far I really like it.