Fin Problems


Medium Fish
Aug 7, 2003
Near My Coffee!
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Ok Waldo is in the 5 gal Hex which is right beside the Oscar tank. Waldo will swim around the tank very, very fast in circles and then go to the side by the Oscars and flare like crazy and he runs up and down the tank. He does this most of the day till I put something between the tanks so he can't see the Oscars. His fins are so messed up from all the fast swimming. Is there anything I can put in the tank to heal his fins? I have stress coat which I use on a regular basis with water changes and additions. I put some extra in there yesterday hopeing to thelp the little monster. His top fin on his back is down to what looks like a string and his back fins are splitting. He was fine till he decided to fight with the neighbors a few days ago and this is non stop now till I either turn out his light or block his view. Needless to say one of the Oscars goes right back at him from the Oscar tank. Moving either tank is not an option and he use to enjoy the company. I can block his view if I need to so he can heal but I wasn't sure what if anything I could add to the water to help move along the healing process on his fins.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I heard of Bettas 'blowing thier fins' like that from hard swimming. I hear 'Melafix' can help promote fin growth, you you should try it. It does not affect the bio-filter either.

Yes, you need to block his view of the other tank if he is still going nuts. As betta males get older, they tend to get more aggresive and territorial, so put something in between the two tanks till he heals up a little. If you can, move the tanks a little further apart too, a few inches will make a big difference to Waldo.

Also, make sure whatever plants or decorations you have are contributing to his fins getting torn. Rub them on a pair of pantyhose and if it cuts or tears the pantyhose, it will do the same to his fins.

Something else to keep in mind. Waldo is stressing a lot, using up a lot of energy defending his turf, and this will wear him out a lot faster. If he does not get 'used' to his Oscar neighbors, I suggest repositioning the tank to another area so he does not burn-out and die an early death.


Medium Fish
Aug 7, 2003
Near My Coffee!
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Thanks for the help! I will get some Melafix for him. I have a piece of black poster board between the two tanks so he can't see the tank at all now. His tank is about 3 inches away from the Oscar tank. I will keep the poster board up till he heals and also to give him time to rest. Will take it down after he recovers to see if there is still a problem and if so I will move his tank on a water change to another place in the room.

Thanks again!!